Environment and Sustainability Committee


Meeting Venue:
Medrus Conference Centre, Penglais Campus, Aberystwyth University



Meeting date:
Thursday, 20 February 2014


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Alun Davidson
Committee Clerk

029 2089 8639






1     Introductions, apologies and substitutions 



2     Sustainable Land Management - Evidence from the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS), Aberystwyth University (10:00 - 10:40) (Pages 1 - 19)

E&S(4)-06-14 paper 1


Professor Jamie Newbold, IBERS Director of Research and Enterprise

Professor Iain Donnison, IBERS Director of External Relations



3     Sustainable Land Management - Evidence from Farming Connect (10:40 - 11:20) (Pages 20 - 40)

E&S(4)-06-14 Paper 2


Gary Douch, Head of Farming Connect

Eirwen Williams, Director, Menter a Busnes and Head of Rural Programmes



4     Sustainable Land Management - Evidence from Wales Environment Research Hub (11:20 - 11:50) (Pages 41 - 68)

E&S(4)-06-14 Paper 3


          Dr Shaun Russell, Director



5     Sustainable Land Management - Evidence from the Countryside and Community Research Institute (CCRI), University of Gloucestershire (11:50 - 12:30) (Pages 69 - 80)

E&S(4)-06-14 paper 4


Professor Janet Dwyer, Director

Chris Short, Senior Research Fellow



6     Papers to note  (Pages 81 - 83)

Minutes of the meeting held on 6 February




Inquiry into the Welsh Government’s proposals for the M4 around Newport : Letter from the Minister for Economy, Science and Transport  (Pages 84 - 87)

E&S(4)-06-14 paper 5

